Wednesday, 27 April 2011

'Our' World Today

The Ultimatum:                                                                                                                            "Is life so dear and peace so sweet, to be bought at the price of chains and slavery?, I know not what course others may take, but as for me, 'give me Liberty or give me death'!".                ...Patrick Henry (United States Diplomat and Advocate)
From ancient times, man has been involved in activities surrounding trade and commerce in providing means to meet his numerous needs and wants. Two thousand years later and today, the story remains the same. And as all of these form the bedrock of what we call the 'Economy' of a state, it is apparent that the only way forward to establish one is to reinforce and encourage these activities; small progressive ventures driven by its populace. These activities are what is summed up to be called "Enterprise".

Simply defined, Enterprise is the practice of starting and running small companies, and in my own words, it is the ability to think of new activities or ideas and make them work. Of course, such ideas and activities must be entrepreneurial-driven and instigated by the populace, and not the government. For example, Nigerians by nature are very enterprising people; in our daily pursuits, we show the ability to think of new activities and ideas, and make them work. This is exemplified by the relentless cart-pusher loading tons of dirt, energetic market traders never tired of announcing their wares, the resilient street hawker who treks the extra mile to make that sale... the list is endless.

Upon this premise alone can we a nation forge ahead and fortify what is let of its economy. To become what we can be, we must give up the' old for the new', forego the past and embrace the future, creep from the dark and walk into the light, shun mediocrity and propagate creative initiative, awaken from our seeming slumber and take our stand in the scheme of things...the dogmatic echelons must be buried and the creative class must rise. We must adopt an 'Enterprise Culture'; a society/attitude in which starting small successful business is believed to be very important. This, i know, to be a bold step in the right direction.
This is the class to which i belong and i believe in Enterprise development as the panacea for business and national development for developing economies. Let's embrace Enterprise!